Sunday, April 3, 2011

What's Cooking? - Another New Page!

Feeding my family is of the utmost importance to me. I have a passion for cooking and I love spending time in the kitchen. In fact, almost every day, I spend at least half of Lilah's nap in the kitchen prepping ingredients for dinner. When dinner time rolls around, quickly whipping up a delicious dinner is a breeze.

At 15 months, my daughter now eats what we eat most of the time. For that reason, I have decided to start a new page, What's Cooking?, which will focus on family meals. I will make notes about Lilah's reaction to the meals and tips on how to make them toddler friendly. I will also include links to recipes whenever possible. If you are interested in a recipe that doesn't have a link, let me know and I will share it. Finally, I will note which steps of the recipe I prepared in advance to make cooking the dish easier come dinner time.

I don't think of myself as a traditional cook and I rarely make the same thing twice. We try new things as often as possible (ie. this week we are trying tempeh for the first time). I use a recipe almost every single night and try to include as much variety in our diet as I can. My ultimate goals are to feed my family good, healthy food and instill in my daughter a love for food and cooking.

Happy Cooking!

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