Friday, April 20, 2012

The Important Things

Our house rarely gets cleaned anymore, our dishes don’t get washed as quickly as I would like, our laundry piles up until we have 4 or more loads to do at one time and our linens and towels no longer get washed as often as they used to. The pile of papers I need to file and organize just keeps getting bigger and bigger and I have very little time to cook or bake.

There are days when I feel like I have no time to just play with my 2 year-old and days when I feel like I have no time to interact with my 2-month old. I would love to be able to give my older daughter the same kind of attention I did before we had a second child and I would love to be able to give my baby girl the same kind of attention that her older sister had when she was a baby.
I am now a mother of two and rather than dwelling on all of the things that are not getting done or the things that I don’t feel like I am doing a very good job at right now, I am trying really hard every day to focus on the things that I do accomplish and that I am good at.

I am a good mother! My children are rested, clean, fed, clothed and they get fresh air almost every single day. I believe those are major accomplishments in and of themselves considering the time, energy and resources I currently have! I am doing the best that I can and I think I am doing a darn good job.

As mothers, we need to toot our own horns OFTEN because there are so many things that we do every single day for our families that go unnoticed by the outside world and that we get very little recognition or praise for.
The highlights of my day are waking up to the smiling faces of my two beautiful children and my loving husband, seeing my baby girl grin from ear to ear when I sing her favorite song, giving my daughter a colored bubble bath and reading her bedtime stories, and eating dinner together as a family (which is sometimes impossible with a new baby). They are simple things, but they are the important things. Who cares if I got around to cleaning the bathroom or vacuuming the floors? No one is going to notice that I have piles of laundry waiting to be washed or paperwork that needs to be filed. The happiness of my family is what is important and I am writing this blog to remind myself of that more than anything else.

For all of you mothers out there that are striving to check everything off of your to-do list and be the best at everything, take a moment to reflect on what is truly important and focus on being the best that you can be for yourself and for your family.      

1 comment:

  1. You are a fantastic mother!!! You keep your eye on what is are there for and with your girlies. You listen to them, you talk with them, you play with them, you cherish them, you provide them with stimulating activities, you encourage their love them. Who cares about laundry and dishes...this time goes by so quickly and what memories will you have with your girls if you spent your time cleaning in the kitchen instead of playing games and crafts and going for walks? You are an awesome Mummy!
